
     We have a vast tidal flat adjacent to the Kumozu River estuary. The tidal flat is rich in shellfish. Just inside of the bank we have open water along the bank, we call this Ouike pond. Numerous waders visit this tidal flat and Ouike pond. We have two observation points. Many bird watchers come from Osaka and its neighboring area.

     The first is Gonushi point (map) at the southern corner of Kumozu River. It is a good place to watch birds on the tidal flat. Unfortunately we have no parking space other than that on the bank. The space on the bank is just for several cars. At the low tide time of seashell collecting season in spring, many local people gather at this area, and the season is not suitable for birdwatching. Please check the tide table before starting. Numerous waders visit this tidal flat. Among them the Grey-tailed Tattler and Whimbrel are common and sometimes found in a large flock. A small number of Far Eastern Curlew and/or Eurasian Curlew overwinter in this tidal flat.

     Ouike point (map) is for watching fresh water waders. Black-winged Stilt is residential here, and several birds are usually seen. One or two pairs start breeding, but usually fail because of predation. The only success was in 2013. A small flock of Spotted Redshank visits in spring, they then turn to their entirely black summer plumage. Sometimes, one or two Long-billed Dowitchers winter in Ouike pond. We have enough parking spaces on the bank.


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