
     The mouth of the Ano River (Ano-gawa) is located in the center of Tsu city. The estuary has sandbars and tidal flats, where waders, cormorants and gulls rest and forage. The best season is winter. The Eurasian Oystercatcher is one of the main targets of visiting birdwatchers. Numerous oystercatchers resting on the sandbar can be seen at a close distance. A small number of Brant Geese winter in this area almost regularly. A large flock of Great Cormorant is very common and stays on the sandbar.

     Common Goldeneyes and Red-breathed Mergansers, which are usually on offshore water, sometimes enter this river mouth. Large flocks of Dunlin are seen in winter.

     The main watching point is on the bank of the south tip of the river mouth. Adjacent to that point, we have a small parking lot and rest room.


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