DSC 0102

The Eurasian Oystercatcher widely occurs throughout the Eurasia Continent. The global population is estimated to 1,100,000-1,200,000 individuals.  However, the population on the East Asia Australasian flyway is so small, and is estimated 10,000. The Japanese Archipelago lays in this flyway, but only 300 to 400 birds were recorded in the National Wader Count. 


A substantial number of oystercatchers can be seen on the northern shoreline of Mie. To clarify the precise number of the wintering oystercatchers, we have started a simultaneous count of oystercatcher in 2010. This count covers the whole western shoreline of Ise Bay stretching about 60 km. DSC 0120

The results indicate that 60 to 100 birds winter in this shoreline. The number fluctuated year by year. The figure is almost 1 % of the oystercatcher population in this flyway, and indicates that the shoreline in Mie is an important area for Eurasian Oystercatcher in East Asia Australasian Flyway.


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