
     The land is on the mouth of the Kiso River (Kiso-gawa), and is 443 ha. The land is reclaimed for farmland, but has been abandoned without use. The land became meadow with some shrub. Many birds of prey; harriers, falcons, hawks, and ospreys become winters there. Among them, the Eastern Marsh Harrier began to breed in summer. At maximum, three pairs rose hawklings in this land. Now the northern part of the land has been changed to a city park, and solar panels are set in the southern part. The remaining area for wild birds including harriers is not so wide, but the harriers still make an effort for breeding. Other than harriers, Ospreys, Peregrines, Kestrels, Merlins, Buzzards and Goshawks can be found in winter.

     Since entering the reclaimed land is not allowed except for research purposes, watching should be done from Nabeta area (map), the east next to the reclaimed land. We hold a periodical bird watching every month.


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