
(Charadrius alexandrinus)

Kentish plover

The Kentish Plover is found on sandy seashore or tidal flat throughout the year in Mie.

A large number of this plover is found in winter, but the number decreases substantially in breeding season. The ringing data suggest that the plover migrates within Japan.

The plover breeds on natural sandy beach in Mie. The plover makes a shallow pit on the sand, lays three eggs, and incubate them. The chicks hatch about three weeks after, and are precocious. They can walk soon after the hatch, and feed themselves. The parents take care of their chicks for about three weeks until they can fly.

We found the rate of breeding success in our area was very low, and the breeding pairs in Mie recently decreased. One of the threats may be recreational activity on the seashore. However, the other factors such as predation by crows are also possible.


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