(Megaceryle lugubris)


A large-sized black and white kingfisher. The range is Japan and mountainous Asia, including southwestern China, northern Indochina, and Himalayans. Upperpart is black and white, while underpart is white. The bird has ragged crest on the head. Male has brawn belt on the breast.

This kingfisher lives along mountainous stream, and dives into water, and catches fish with its powerful bill. The bird excavates a burrow in earthen bank for the nest. The bird is almost residential, but shifts to downstream during winter. The call is a loud and clear harsh, Kyara kyarat.

This bird is rather shy, and prefers a habitat closed with trees. But, these habitats are sometimes changed by recent river engineering. The trees along the stream are cut, and earthen bank changed to concrete embankment. The number of this bird is, therefore, decreasing in Mie.


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