(Venellus cinereus)


This bird is resident in the main island, Honshu of Japan. Long distance migration is not known. This plover makes a nest on the edge of paddy field in spring. Since Carrion Crows and some ground predators sometimes try to attack the nest, the pair and neighboring birds fight against the enemy. The fighting is spectacle. The noisy emergency call, ”Kirkirkirt” and aerobic dives to the intruder are effective. The Lapwing attacks the farmers also. However, the breeding is not so successful, because the breeding period matches the rice planting season. The chicks are precocious and can walk soon after the hatching and are also well camouflaged on grassy ground. Outside the breeding season this bird is calm and spends on paddy field or other cultivated field, and feed on invertebrate on or in the ground. Its gray back well camouflages this bird on naked ground. Some short distance migration is observed.


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