(Picus awokera)


A large-sized woodpecker endemic to Japan and occurs in Honshu, Shikoku and Kyushu Islands. The back and wing are yellow-green. Primaries are barred in black and white. The underpart is heavily barred. The male has bright red crown and moustachial stripes, and the female has a small red patch on the rear head.

This woodpecker is a closed relative of the Grey-headed Woodpecker, which occurs in Eurasia continent. This species also occurs in Hokkaido, Japan. The Japanese Woodpecker prefers evergreen forest, and is common in lowland and mountainous forests in Mie. Its sharp call, Pyoh, pyoh, pyoh, is characteristic in breeding season, and is thought to use to defend the territory. The sound of the drumming is also strong. In winter, the woodpecker sometimes eats wild small fruit on tree. No migration is known.


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