(Uragus sibiricus )


A common winter visitor to open grassland and forest edge in Mie. Male is dark reddish in color with two white wing bars. The tail is black and outermost feathers are white. The female lacks reddish color, and is smoky brawn. However, some females have faint reddish hue on ramp. The bills are small, but are thick enough to break seed kernel.

In winter, the bird picks up grass seed on the stem. Seldom goes down on ground. The call is a light whistle, fi fit, fi fit. This species breeds in Hokkaido. In breeding season, male plumage changes to clear red color, contrasted with white feathers on forehead and chin. The bird stays in meadow, and sings on top of shrub. This bird is one of the main targets of bird watchers visiting in Hokkaido. In autumn, a large number the bird migrates from Hokkaido to Honshu.


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