(Emberiza elegans)


An Emberiza bunting having yellow color on the throat and the face. The upperpart is brawn with blackish streaks. The male’s face is black, white and clear yellow. Sometimes erects the small crest. Underpart is white with brawn streaks on the flanks. The female has dull yellow color instead of clear yellow of the male. The juvenile is similar to the female.

Breeding rage is Korean Peninsula, northeast China and far eastern Siberia. Only a few breeding records are known in western Japan. During migration, a small number of this species is recorded in Hokkaido, suggesting the possibility of breeding in Sakhalin.

Wintering range is central and western Japan and Taiwan. The other subspecies occurs in southern China. The bird is rare in the eastern part of Japan, including the areas near Tokyo. This bunting is common in Mie in winter, but the number is not so many. The bird prefers forest edge and woodland, and forages on ground during winter, and does not come out to open field or cultivated ares. Spends alone or in a small flock.


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