(Tarsiger cyanurus)


This bird is also called Siberian Bluetail. The aged male is a lovely bluebird. The upper part is clear light blue with white eye blows. The flanks are orange, and the remaining underpart is white. The young male is olive green upper part, orange flank and white underpart. The base of the tail and ramp has various degree of blue hue. The male increases blue part of plumage year by year. Several years are required to get fully blue color. The female plumage is similar to that of young male.

Breeding range is Hokkaido and high altitude of Japan. Using moss the bird makes a nest in a pit on the cliff. The range also expands from Fareast Russia to Eastern Europe. The wintering range is southern China, Indochina and Japan. This species is a winter visitor in Mie. Defending the territory, this bird winters in country side and hill foot.


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