(Ficedula narcissina)


The species breeds in deciduous forest of cool mountainous area of throughout Japan. This species is summer visitor in most parts of Japan, but in Ishigaki Island, the southwestern extreme of Japan, this is residential. The other wintering areas are in tropical Asia.

Recently this species expands its breeding range to warmer regions like low elevations in Mie and Aichi, central Japan. The bird population in Mie seems increasing in these decades, and is now common in low hill areas. The male plumage has nice contrast of yellow, bright orange and black. The male perches on a twig in the canopy of deciduous tree, and songs. The bird seldom comes out exposed perch.

The song is clear fluting and has many variations. The female is olive green and is similar to that of Blue-and-white Flycatcher. A closely related continental species, Yellow-ramped Flycatcher, Ficedula zanthopygia is a very rare visitor in Japan.


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