(Cyanoptila cyanomelana )


This species is a common summer visitor in mountainous valleys of Mie. The bird breeds throughout Japan, and Korean Peninsula and northeastern China. Wintering area is tropical Asia.

This elegant bird arrives in late April in mid-Japan. The bird is mainly found along water stream in mountain. The male perches on an exposed twig of a tall tree, songs, and catches flying insects on wing. The song is clear and melodious. The male has glossy blue back and head, black face and breast. The first summer bird remains buff–edged juvenile feathers on greater covert. The underpart is white. Legs are short and weak. The female is dull olive green, and is similar to female of Narcissus Flycatcher. Field identification of the females is difficult. However, Blue-and white Flycatcher is larger than the Narcissus, identification in hand is easy.

The female stay in thicket, and seldom comes out open space. The nest is made in a pit on slope near stream. In autumn migration, young birds are sometimes observed. The young male is brawn, and has blue hue on its wing. In former days, the male was trapped and used for cage bird. But caging of this species is now prohibited by law. The wintering areas are Vietnam and Malaysia.


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