
(Branta bernicla)

Brent goose

This goose is widely found in northern hemisphere, and classified into three or four subspecies. Subspecies classification correspond the range of this goose.

The goose wintering in Japan is classified as an eastern Siberian subspecies, Brent bernicla orientalis, or Pacific subspecies B. b. nigricans. During autumn migration a large number of geese up to 5,000 are seen in the eastern part of Hokkaido, Notsuke Peninsula and Furenko lake. These areas are adjacent to Kuryl Islands. However, Brandt Goose is rather rare in the northern part Hokkaido, which is adjacent to Sakhalin. Therefore, migration route via Kuryl Islands is suggested. The goose which winters in Japan is thought to breed on the coast of Arctic Ocean in eastern Siberia. However, possibility of the geese from western Alaska cannot be ruled out.

The winter population in Japan is estimated 800 to 1,100. The main wintering areas are in northern Japan i.e., Hokkaido, Aomori, Iwate and Miyagi. Sighting of this goose in the other areas is very rare. The goose stays sea coast, and live on eelgrass or seaweed during winter. The western coast of Ise Bay is an only wintering area of the Brent Goose in central Japan. A small number of the geese mainly stay in estuary of Ano River, but sometimes found in neighboring seashore.


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