
(Synthliboramphus wumizusume)

Japanese Murrelet

This murrelet breeds inhabited islands in Japan and Korea. In Japan, breeding of this murrelet is known in Biro Island, Miyazaki, Kutsujima Island, Kyoto, Koya-jima Islet, off Okino-shima Island, Fukuoka, Mimiana-jima Islet, off Kiinagashima, Mie, and some islets in Izu Islands, Tokyo.

Because the murrelet uses a small pit on steep rocky cliff facing sea, the precise estimation of breeding pairs is very difficult. IUCN estimates the global population is less than 10,000. 

The murrelet appears in December on the sea off Kii-nagashima, Mie and makes pairs in March. The female lays eggs from the end of March to April in a pit on rocky cliff. After incubation for about 25 days, the chicks dive into sea soon after the hatch. Both parents take care of the chicks. The family leaves this sea in May. The murrelet does not observed in non-breeding season in this area.

Another species, Ancient Murrelet sometimes appears with Japanese Murrelet in this sea area, but breeding is not known in this area. 

Leisure fishing is active in this sea area. Cruising of the leisure fishing boat in the breeding area disturbs the breeding and foraging. Landing on the breeding islet for leisure fishing also disturbs the breeding.


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