
(Spizaetus nipalensis)

Mountain Hawk-eagle

The magnificent bird of prey occurs in mountainous forest. The bird is not so many, but is widely found mountainous areas throughout Mie.

This bird easily identified by its large size, broad wings, and clearly barred tail. The bird usually starts soaring on sunny day at 10:00 to 11:00 am, when the sun enough warms up the air, and updraft begins.

The bird lives on snakes, reptiles, and small mammals such as here and rat. Unlike Golden Eagle, this species can hunt even in a dense forest.

The nest is made compiling a huge amount of twigs on a big tree on steep slope. Female lays only one egg. Young hawk stays in the nest site for more than one year, so breeding can usually start every second year. Low success rate of the breeding is a problem on the conservation of this species. Road and wind farm constructions in breeding territory are current problems of the conservation of this endangered species.


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