
(Aquila chrysaetos)

Golden Eagle

The Golden Eagle is one of the endangered species in Japan. The eagle occurs in Honshu, Shikoku, and Kyushu islands. However, the populations in Kyushu and Shikoku are now almost extinct. The population in northern Honshu is rather dense and healthy. That in central part is maintained in limited areas at high altitude. In western Honshu, a small number of the eagle occurs in a few isolated areas.

The estimated pair number is only 150 to 200. A below mentioned pair in Mie is the southernmost pair of this eagle. Dam and resort construction, and decrease in mountainous grassland are the main problems on the conservation of this eagle. 

In our area, Mie, one pair of the Golden Eagle breeds in northern Suzuka Mountains. Top of the mountain has natural grassland, and is a nice area for the hunting. However, this pair is threatened by lime mining nearby. The mining company has a plan to enlarge the mining area into the hunting zone.


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