
(Himantopus himantopus)

Black-winged Stilt

This elegant bird is tropical origin. The range is tropical Southeast Asia and a part of East Asia. About 400 to 200 birds are recorded in spring and autumn in Japan. The winter population is about 150.

A small number of the bird regularly stays in fresh water ponds of Gonushi Beach, Matsuzaka, Mie. The birds are observed all year round.

Two or three pairs usually begin to make nests by compiling grasses on shallow water in spring. However, the breeding is usually failed by predation of eggs by snakes or other predators. In the pond, breeding success was recorded in 2011. Four chicks grew up until they can fly freely.

The breeding records in Japan are less than ten in our present knowledge. However, a flock with young birds is sometimes observed in Mie, suggesting unknown breeding sites nearby.


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