
(Haematopus ostralegus)

Eurasian Oystercatcher

This oystercatcher occurs widely in Eurasian continent and neighboring islands. The global population is estimated to ca.1,100,000-1,200,000 individuals.

However, most of the birds occurs in Western part of the continent. The birds in East Asian coast are isolated from the population in Europe, and are classified different sub-species. Its population is estimated only 10,000 to 11,000. Known breeding areas are Kamchatka Peninsula, western coast of Korea, and coastal areas in Yellow Sea. Breeding in inland Far East Russia is speculated, but is uncertain. Wintering range is coastal areas in China, Korea and Japan. The wintering population in Korea is estimated to 3,000 to 5,000. That in Japan 400 to 500 individuals. Unlike other waders, oystercatcher winters in limited sites. The majority is found in Sanbanse, Tokyo Bay, Chiba. In our area, Mie, a number of oystercatchers are regularly found on western coast of Ise Bay in winter. The birds usually gather on a sand bar in the mouth of Ano River. However, the wintering birds sometimes shift the other areas in the western coast of Ise Bay. Therefore, to know precise number of the wintering bird is not so easy. Our society established a simultaneous count system for the wintering oystercatcher. This system covers the whole range of the western coastal line of Ise Bay. The count revealed about 60 to 100 birds winter in the western coast of Ise Bay. The figure is 0.06 to 0.1% of the total East Asian population of Eurasian Oystercatcher.

The coastal areas in Korea are now extensively reclaimed. The coastal area in Yellow Sea, China is also changing because of the rapid economic development. These alterations of the habitat are the main threat of this oystercatcher population. However, in Japan, local conservation activity is high in Sanbanse. In addition no changing plan is known in the western coast of Ise Bay, except for road construction near Takamatsu Beach. In conclusion, our area, the western coast of Ise Bay, is thought to be important to support the East Asian population of Eurasian Oystercatcher.


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